Reset and Troubleshoot the BYD Dolphin EV Low Tire Pressure Light

The BYD Dolphin EV is equipped with an advanced tyre pressure monitoring system. This system incorporates a sensor in each tyre that continuously monitors and sends live pressure data to the display screen for the driver’s convenience.

How Does the BYD Dolphin EV TPMS Work?

BYD Dolphin EV Tyre Pressure Sensors

Each tyre of the BYD Dolphin EV is equipped with a tyre pressure sensor housed in a plastic casing. This casing is attached to the end of the tyre valve stem located inside the tyre. Within this casing lies the sensor, which is made up of a chip, a battery, and a radio transmitter. The chip, powered by the battery, measures the tyre’s internal air pressure and temperature. This data is then transmitted through radio waves (either at 315 MHz or 433 MHz) to the TPMS (tyre Pressure Monitoring System) receiver module of the Dolphin EV.

BYD Dolphin EV TPMS Receiver Module

The TPMS receiver module in the BYD Dolphin EV gathers air pressure information from the sensors in each tyre. This information is then relayed to the car’s main computer, known as the Engine Control Unit (ECU) or Body Control Module (BCM).

BYD Dolphin EV ECU

Inside the BYD Dolphin EV, the Engine Control Unit (ECU) evaluates the tyre pressure data it receives, checking it against BYD’s established air pressure standards. Should the ECU detect that a tyre’s pressure is less than 80% below the advised range of 250 kPa (36 psi), it activates a low tyre pressure alert on the Dolphin Ev’s information display screen.

Steps to Reset BYD Dolphin EV TPMS

  1. Inflate the air pressure of all 4 BYD Dolphin EV tyres to 250kPa (36psi) when the tyres are cold.

  2. Select the INFO button on the top of the information display screen.

  3. Select STATUS.

  4. Select RESET next to “Tyre Pressure”.

  5. Drive the BYD Dolphin EV for 10 minutes at speeds exceeding 30 Kph (19 mph).

How to Check the Tyre Pressure on the Dolphin Instrument Cluster

  1. Press the MENU/BACK button on the steering wheel.

  2. Select tyre PRESSURE using the scroll button. 

BYD Dolphin Tyre Pressure Fault Warning Lights Explained

The BYD Dolphin EV tyre pressure monitoring system has different TPMS fault warnings to help understand what and where the problem might be. 


Each time the ignition of the BYD Dolphin is turned on the tyre pressure warning light comes on for a few seconds. If the tyre pressure monitoring system is working properly the tyre pressure warning light will turn off a few seconds after the ignition has been turned on. If the tyre pressure monitoring system is faulty, the tyre pressure warning light will turn back on. 


If the tyre pressure warning light is flashing, the message “Please Check TPMS” is displayed, and the tyre pressure value on the tyre pressure information display reads “—”, the tyre pressure system is not working properly. 


If the tyre pressure value displays “No Signal” it means the tyre pressure sensor within the tyre in that position on the BYD Dolphin EV is damaged or not working properly. 


When the tyre pressure value on the display screen has changed to yellow and the tyre pressure fault symbol is on, the tyre in that position on the BYD Dolphin is low on air pressure. If the tyre temperature value turns yellow on the information display screen, the corresponding tyre temperature is too high. 


  • Whenever a tyre on the BYD Dolphin EV falls below 200 kPa or 29 Psi (which is 80% of the standard 250 kPa/36 Psi), the tyre pressure fault warning activates, turning the tyre pressure value on the display screen yellow. 

  • The tyre pressure warning for the BYD Dolphin EV will turn off once the tyre pressure rises above 95% of the normal level.

  • If the BYD Dolphin EV is in motion and a tyre loses air faster than the acceptable rate defined by BYD, the TPMS will emit a “rapid air loss alarm” within 15 seconds, pinpointing the deflating tyre on the display screen.

  • The TPMS in the BYD Dolphin EV operates effectively when the vehicle is moving at speeds over 30 kph.

  • If the temperature of any tyre in the BYD Dolphin EV exceeds 85 degrees Celsius (185 degrees Fahrenheit) for more than 3 minutes, a High Temperature warning is issued. This warning also changes the tyre pressure value on the display to yellow. In such cases, it is recommended to stop the vehicle and let the tyre cool down before resuming driving.


  • To deactivate the tyre pressure alarm, simply press the right roller located on the steering wheel.


  • Turn the right roller on the steering wheel to access the details of the tyre pressure warning for each tyre.

What Can Cause the BYD Dolphin Tyre Fault Warning Light to Flash?

When the tyre pressure indicator on the BYD Dolphin EV blinks, it signals a problem within the tyre pressure monitoring system. This issue typically occurs when one or more tyre pressure sensors fail to effectively communicate with the vehicle’s TPMS module or the main computer systems (ECU) . Several factors could cause this disruption:

  • The battery within a tyre pressure sensor may be running low or completely drained, necessitating a sensor replacement.

  • A sensor might have been damaged during the installation of new tyres or wheels.

  • External radio frequency interference from nearby vehicles or electronic devices could be affecting the sensors or the TPMS module.

  • There may be non-standard or unauthorized tyre pressure sensors or TPMS modules fitted in the BYD Dolphin EV.

  • Driving the BYD Dolphin with a wheel that does not have a tyre pressure sensor within it. 


  • Tyre pressure being too high or too low.

  • TPMS sensor with low or dead battery.

  • Issues with the TPMS receiver module, ECU/BCM, including software errors.

  • Radio frequency interference from nearby vehicles or electronic devices.

  • A drop in air temperature.

  • Overloading the vehicle beyond its maximum weight capacity or towing beyond limits.

  • Using tyre chains on the tyres.

  • Excessive window tinting on the vehicle.

  • Changes in road surface temperatures.

  • Damage to TPMS sensors during tyre change or tyre-related services.

  • Skipping the BYD Dolphin TPMS recalibration after tyre inflation or maintenance.

  • Physical damage to tyres or wheels, such as punctures, deformities, or rim damage.

  • Improperly installed or faulty valve stems on the tyres.

Will the Weather Cause the Low Tyre Light to Turn On?

The BYD Dolphin EV’s low tyre pressure warning is frequently triggered by changes in the weather. Tyre pressure usually changes by about 1 psi (6.8 kPa) for each 10°F (about -12°C) variation in the air temperature. For instance, if the temperature drops by 50°F within a month, the tyre pressure could fall from 35 psi (240 kPa) to 30 psi (206 kPa) or even lower, potentially activating the low tyre pressure warning alert in the BYD Dolphin EV.

Tire Inflation


Driving the BYD Dolphin EV with tyres that are not sufficiently inflated can lead to various problems. This condition not only reduces the vehicle’s battery range but also causes faster wear on the outer edges of the tyre tread. Additionally, underinflation adversely affects the vehicle’s maneuverability, braking effectiveness, and overall safety.


Driving the BYD Dolphin with overinflated tyres can result in a more uncomfortable ride and lead to the tyre tread wearing out primarily in the middle instead of uniformly across the entire surface.

Cold Tyres

The tyre pressure in the BYD Dolphin EV should be checked and adjusted when the tyres are cold, typically before driving the vehicle or after it has been parked for at least 3 hours following its last trip.

Hot Tyres

After driving, the tyres of your BYD Dolphin heat up, leading to an increase in air pressure of approximately 30-40 kPa (4-5 psi). Therefore, adjusting the tyre pressure while the tyres are warm can result in overinflation.


Tyre Size

Front Psi/kPa

Rear Psi/kPa







What to Know About BYD Dolphin EV Tire Pressure Sensor Batteries

Each tyre pressure sensor in the vehicle is powered by a silver oxide battery, which is non-rechargeable and cannot be replaced. If the battery in a tyre pressure sensor depletes, the entire sensor needs to be replaced. Once a new tyre pressure sensor is installed, it must be synced with the BYD Dolphin’s ECU using a TPMS programming tool. BYD advises checking the tyre pressure sensors annually or every 20,000 km.

How Does Tyre Pressure Affect the Dolphin EV Battery Range?

Tyres that are not sufficiently inflated create greater rolling resistance, requiring more energy from the BYD Dolphin EV’s electric motor, which in turn decreases the vehicle’s total range. A mere 10% drop in tyre pressure can lead to a reduction of approximately 3% in the vehicle’s battery range.

How to Detect a Leaking Tyre With Soap and Water

  1. Pump up the deflating tyre to a minimum of 275 kPa (40 Psi).

  2. Prepare a solution by mixing water with liquid soap in a spray bottle.

  3. Liberally apply this soapy solution over the entire tyre, making sure to include the bead area and the valve stem.

  4. Watch for bubbles to form and trace them back to their source to accurately identify the leak location.

TPMS Diagnostic and Programming Tools

If after performing the TPMS reset on your BYD Dolphin EV and setting the air pressure to the recommended 250 kpa, the tyre pressure indicator remains lit or flashes before staying on, it’s recommended to use a TPMS diagnostic tool to pinpoint the problem. These tools are highly effective in identifying issues with tyre pressure sensors. They can assess each sensor, providing comprehensive information on factors such as battery life, signal strength, tyre temperature, the sensor’s operating frequency in megahertz, and its exact location on the vehicle. If any TPMS sensors indicate low battery life or reduced signal strength, it’s advisable to replace these sensors.

BYD Dolphin EV Tire Tips

  • Rotate your tyres every 10,000 km (6,000 miles).

  • Avoid using different brands or sizes of tyres together.

  • Replace all four tyres simultaneously.

  • Promptly get the tyre and pressure sensor inspected after applying BYD tyre sealant to a tyre leak.

  • Using tyres or wheels of varying sizes on the BYD Dolphin EV can impact the ABS and electronic stability control systems.

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