How Do You Reset The Cadillac Low Tire Light?
Wait 3 hours after last driving for the tires to be in a cold state.
Set the air pressure of all four tires according to the air pressure information on the driver side door’s tire sticker.
Drive your Cadillac vehicle at speeds above 25 Mph for 15 minutes.
Pro Tip: As long as all the tires air pressure is at the correct levels and all sensors are functioning, the tire light will turn off after driving your vehicle.
How to Relearn Cadillac Tire Pressure Sensors
Anytime you rotate the tires or replace any of your tire pressure sensors in your Cadillac, the TPMS needs to be relearned so that the onboard computer knows the current location of each tire. This can also be done if your low tire pressure light won’t turn off.
Pump all tires to approximately 40 Psi.
Turn the vehicle Ignition ON while leaving the engine Off.
Select the Menu Tab on the information display.
Choose “Vehicle Information.”
Choose the “Tire Pressure Menu.”
Hold the SET/CLR button.
The vehicle’s information display screen will show the following message: “Are you sure you want to relearn?”
Select “Yes.”
Two horn beeps confirm and “TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE” will be seen on the screen.
Head to the left front tire (driver side front tire), and deflate the air pressure until you hear the horn beep.
Sequentially, do the same for front right, rear right, and rear left tires in that order.
The on-screen “tire learning active” message vanishes upon successful completion.
Turn off the ignition and readjust all tire pressures back to your Cadillac’s recommended air pressure levels.
Where is the Cadillac Tire Pressure Monitor Reset Button?
Cadillacs do not have a dedicated tire pressure reset button.
Why Does My Cadillac Say Service Tire Monitor System?
If your Cadillac low tire pressure light or service tire monitor system light turns on, it means you have an issue with your vehicle’s tire pressure monitoring system. Either one or more of your tires are low on air pressure, or one or more of your tire pressure sensors are not working properly.
4 Ways to Fix a Stubborn Cadillac Service Tire Monitor System Light
If you are having issues resetting or turning off your Cadillac TPMS warning light, here are a few tips:
Disconnect the battery: Disconnecting your negative battery terminal will reset and delete temporary error codes in your Cadillac’s on board computer system. Wait a few seconds after disconnecting the battery before reconnecting the terminals and the TPMS light will turn off.
Release Air Pressure from tires: Release at least 10 psi from each tire and then re-inflate each tire back to the recommended air pressures. Drive your Cadillac afterwards and then follow the TPMS reset and relearn procedure again.
TPMS Diagnostic Tool: Use a TPMS diagnostic tool to scan and diagnose each tire pressure sensor to determine each TPMS sensor’s health.
Check For Leaks: If the tire pressure loses any amount of air pressure after inflating the tires, you likely have a leak. Spray soap and water on the tire to find the exact location of your leaking tire.

Can I till Drive My Cadillac With a Service Tire Monitor System Light On?
Driving your Cadillac with a “Service Tire Monitor System” light on is not recommended. This light indicates an issue with the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), which means it may not accurately monitor tire pressure or at least one tire is low on air pressure. It’s best to address the issue promptly by checking your tire pressures manually.
What Happens If a Tire Pressure Sensor Goes Bad?
If a tire pressure sensor in your Cadillac goes bad, it can no longer accurately measure and report the tire’s pressure. This will trigger the TPMS warning light on your dashboard and may cause the low tire symbol to flash. A faulty sensor may lead to undetected underinflation or overinflation, compromising vehicle safety, handling, and fuel efficiency. Troubleshooting and replacing the faulty tire sensor as soon as possible is crucial to ensure the TPMS functions correctly.
How Does the Cadillac Tire Pressure Monitoring System Work?
The Cadillac Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) uses battery powered sensors mounted inside each tire to monitor and measure your car’s current tire pressure. These sensors transmit air pressure readings to the vehicle’s onboard computer which is then displayed on the dashboard. If the pressure in any tire falls below or exceeds the recommended level, the TPMS activates a warning light on the dashboard to alert the driver.
Why is My Cadillac Tire Pressure Light Flashing?
If your Cadillac’s tire pressure light is flashing, it typically indicates a malfunction within the TPMS, not an air pressure issue. This could be due to a faulty sensor, a dead sensor battery, or an issue with the TPMS receiver unit. A flashing low tire light usually means the system is not able to correctly monitor and report tire pressure, which can compromise your vehicle’s safety. Use a TPMS scan tool to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem or bring your vehicle to a qualified automotive technician.
Can I Permanently Disable My Cadillacs TPMS?
No you cannot disable your tire pressure monitoring system. Your vehicles TPMS is a mandatory safety feature required by law. Also, if you remove your tire pressure sensors from each wheel the low tire light will flash and then the service tire monitor system will turn on.
Will the Spare Tire Trigger the TPMS Light?
If your Cadillac model has a full-size spare tire (with a metal valve stem) and the tire pressure is below the recommended air levels, it will trigger the low tire pressure warning light (even if not mounted to the vehicle). If your Cadillac has a donut spare tire, driving with this tire mounted on the vehicle will also result in a low tire pressure light.
About the Author
Stefan A. – Professional Automotive Technician – I am currently an automotive technician in New Jersey and have worked in private shops as well as dealerships. When I am not writing articles I am wrenching on race cars and driving radio controlled cars at the track!
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